Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sew So

Why recently I have decided to sew things I have no idea. It all started with me wanting to make curtains for our living room. Store bought curtains and a sewing machine later, I have made a checkbook cover and boxers for my husband!
The checkbook cover pattern I got from Heather Ross, Weekend Sewing.

It was a lot of fun to make and quick. Which satisfies my need for instant gratification.

The boxers I got from S.E.W Sew Everything Workshop by Diana Rupp.
These took longer to make and were a bit more frustrating due to my inexperience in sewing. However, I was able to finish them successfully and the hubs even wore them!

I will try to post pictures of these later.

Currently I am working on making a shirt from Sew Chic and Simple by Christine Haynes.

I will post pictures as I go through this process. I'm trying to be better about blogging. I know through out my sewing adventures other people's blogs and websites have been a huge help!

Hopefully, it won't be two months before my next post! See ya soon!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Love Recipes

Am I the only one who when reading a recipe can fall in love? I read them like a steamy scene in a novel: slow, picturing every ingredient as a step a lover takes toward another. Allowing the words to roll off my lips slow and sweet as honey. Yummm... are you wanting a dessert now??! Or maybe a kiss?!

What, you may wonder made me want to describe a dessert recipe in such a way? Well here's the pic and link.

It my not be as sinful as chocolate, but I am craving a dessert so much right now that I think anything would be perfect.

And of all the words I could use to search for dessert recipes I chose to type 'healthy desserts'. Well, let's be honest here, that was the second search I did; the first was not healthy in the least bit.

So, I thought writing this would help me not want a dessert as much, but I have failed miserably. I'm off to end my lunch the right way...sweet!

Here's to you and all your love recipes. May they be hot and steamy as the oven that bakes them!

Friday, May 28, 2010


OK, so I was playing around on Facebook this morning and reading up on all my friends' posts and some other blogs. (of course this is completely work related). And the thought just hit me; I am truly insignificant in the greater scheme of things. One girl I new from church back in high school has a blog about her life as a missionary. And just seeing it made me question, what am I doing that makes a difference? How many other people are out there going about their daily life and are perfectly content with it?
I guess I don't want to be content with the same ol' stuff anymore. I'm not saying I have been called to be a missionary by any means. But, I want to know I make a difference to those around me. Everyone has those moments where they want to validate their existence outside of those immediate family/friends who have to appreciate you for who you are.
My moment just hit me...
So, challenge to self: make a difference today. Start small and let the ripple effect run it's course. I may never know the full implications of everything I do until I'm long gone, but I want to at least have a satisfied feeling about what I do.
Sorry for laying on so seriously, but sometimes you just got to do it.
Thanks for listening...maybe this made a difference to you?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Idea

The idea behind calling my blog the still house came from Tony and me taking a trip to the Jack Daniel's BBQ Festival in Lynchburg, TN a few years ago. While there you take a tour of the Jack Daniel's Distillery and you visit The Still House. Seeing as how my last name is now Still, it seemed appropriate. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010


So, if you are a fan of Seinfeld you will understand my description. "It's about nothing." I figured there were enough blogs out there that were about nothing (but obviously important to those who created them) that I should add mine to the mix.
Read if you want...if you don't, that's ok too.